Pakistan's Only Hand Tools Manufacturing Company.


It takes a lot to make ones mark in this world that can make an impact. It took three generations to prove our existence.

1950s › Journey Started

The Beginning Era

It was in mid sos that we started as a cottage industry when a young Orphan named Muhammad Shafiq started manufacturing metal parts after the completing his training as a die fitter.


Foundation of Fasnna

n the late 7O's he founded a company SHAFIQUE SONS and started the production of Screwdrivers under the brand name of Golden Eagle.


Social Activities Along With Business

Responding to the call of his conscience In 1979 Muhammad Shafique started a Charity organization along with business activities to provide health facility to the needy and poor.


Expansion of Business

Later In the 1980's, three members of the Second Generation of Muhammad Shafique Janjua - Naveed Ahmad, Nadeem Shafique, and Faraz Shafique joined the business and established a new company by the name of FASNNA IMPEX. They introduced some new products in the line and started export to various countries. This is how FASNNA GROUP (Shafique Sons and Fasnna lmpex) started to produce Screwdrivers, Pliers, Hacksaw Blades and Super Glue.


Continual of Social Activities

In 2000, The second generation kept the tradition of social welfare and contributed their share by founding HIMMAT Trust for Education, Relief and Rehabilitation to serve the victims of Natural Disasters like Earth Quake and Flood.


Carrying The Legacy of Fasnna

Carrying a legacy has always been a great and difficult task as it demands greater labour on the part of new generation since they have to bridge the past and future. In 2017, Keeping in mind all that, the Young Blood of the second generation - Naveed Ahmad, Nadeem Shafique and Faraz Shafique entered into the family business with the idea of Digitalization and Corporate Expansion.

The Third Generation strongly believes in the ideals of The First Two Generations and is determined to keep the traditions moving forward with New Ideas and Strategies to achieve the Goals.


Digitalizing Fasnna

In 2018, Third generation launched the Pakistan's first hand tools dedicated online shopping platform under the supervision of second generation. Moreover, we have joined hands with best known supermarkets throughout Pakistan so that we can provide the best "Made In Pakistan Hand Tools". Fasnna allows you to shop through our website, soon we are heading towards the launch of our application which fully comprises the idea of best e-shop experience which the users can come across.